Bauer Funeral Home

Death Certificates
Certified copies of your loved one's death certificate will be required in a variety of instances. Your funeral director at the Bauer Family Funeral Homes will take care of filing for and obtaining the number of these certified copies that you require. This is done through the local county registrar's office or the locality of the state in which the death occurred.
The cost of each certified death certificate is established by the state in which your loved one died. The cost in Pennsylvania is $20 each when ordered at the time of death. To acquire additional Pennsylvania certificates within 90 days of death you can contact the funeral home directly. After 90 days, they must be ordered from the Vital Statistics Office at a cost of $20 each. You may contact the local office in New Castle at 724-656-3100 or by visiting their website.
You May Need a Death Certificate
- To apply for veteran's benefits. Please check with your funeral director to see if forms have already been filed for you.
- To file life insurance claims. The funeral home offers assistance in filing insurance claims if you need help.
- To transfer or sell a vehicle (cars, trucks, boats, campers, four-wheelers, trailers, boat trailers, etc.). When transferring the title of a vehicle from the deceased to the surviving spouse, a form is available from the funeral home that you may be able to use in lieu of a death certificate.
- To sell or transfer the title of real estate (homes and properties, camps, rental properties, etc.).
- For any financial institutions (banks, safety deposit boxes, mortgage insurance, stock brokers, investors, 401(k)s, IRAs).
- Some credit card companies may require a death certificate.
- To transfer the payment of rental income or royalties from gas wells and/or coal rights to a survivor.
- If the deceased was receiving a pension.
- For the decedent's employer, particularly if the employer provides any death benefits such as survivor benefits or life insurance.
- If the deceased was listed as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, a death certificate will be required to complete a beneficiary change.
- The family may wish to keep a copy for genealogical reasons.