Bauer Funeral Home


Insurance & Post-Funeral Paperwork
At Bauer Funeral Homes, we know the many things that need attended to when a loved one dies may seem overwhelming to the family. Our staff prides itself in not stopping care after the funeral service, but providing value in assisting families with the piles of paperwork that can seem daunting after the service is over.
Our staff routinely works with insurance companies to obtain claim forms and assists families in filing these forms, and we also file for all Veterans benefits. The many hours that families spend completing these forms could be better spent on healing from the loss or accomplishing other necessary tasks. The Bauer Funeral Homes staff is happy to take that stress off your plate so you can focus more important things.
Paperwork, however, is not the only thing we follow up on. We understand the emotional impact of losing a loved one and believe in helping our families beyond the day of the funeral service. Learn more about how we help our families through the grief process by visiting our Grief Support tab