Bauer Funeral Home

Transferring Prearrangements
What if you have taken the steps to record the funeral wishes of yourself or a loved one in advance, but find that the funeral home you chose is no longer your first choice? Whether you have moved and want to use a funeral home in your new town or just decided to trust another firm with your services, do not feel like you are stuck with the prearrangement at the original funeral home you chose. The funeral directors at Bauer Funeral Home can help you with transferring your prearrangement into our care and make the process as easy as possible.
If you funded your funeral arrangements with the other firm with a life insurance policy, put money into an irrevocable burial trust or assigned an insurance policy, the Bauer Funeral Home staff can handle the process of getting the funds transferred. In the case where just your wishes were recorded and no funds were set aside, we can contact the original funeral home to match what you previously requested or you can start fresh by using the service packages and merchandise we offer to put together a service.
To learn more or begin the process the transferring your prearrangement to Bauer Funeral Home, fill out our Online Pre-Planning Form, contact us or call 724-545-9464.