Bauer Funeral Home


Burial Services
For over 70 years, the Bauer Funeral Homes have been helping people design the perfect tribute and now there are more options than ever before. Families are no longer expected to follow the standard design of a traditional service and can put together a ceremony that honors their loved one and also fits into their budget.
Choosing burial in a cemetery or entombment in a mausoleum is still popular with many families and there are a number of options to design a service.
Traditional Funeral Service with Burial
A traditional funeral service includes a public visitation, service at the funeral home or church, and burial in a cemetery. Visitation can take place the day before, the evening before, or preceding the funeral service.
Immediate Burial
An immediate burial takes place very soon after passing and does not require embalming. A service at the graveside can take place or the family could choose to host a memorial service for the public at a later date.
Green Burial
Opting for a green burial is a great choice if your loved one was environmentally-conscious. This style of burial uses a casket or container made from biodegradable material and typically take place in a cemetery dedicated to green burials. The Bauer Funeral Home staff can guide you through selecting the proper merchandise and planning the service, and can also help design a memorial ceremony for your loved one.